I discovered this on another blog. It resonates very deeply, in fact I was going to write about the importance of story today, so the synchronisity is just too delicious to pass up!
"Dan Pink, author of A Whole New Mind, believes that the future belongs to those who can tell a story through their art, their work and their lives. He says: The era of "left brain" dominance, and the Information Age that it engendered, are giving way to a new world in which "right brain" qualities — inventiveness, empathy, and meaning — predominate. The challenge lies in revealing the inspiration and passion that leads us to create meaningful art and design and then translating that into relevance for the consumer.
This lust for the authentic and the storied is flourishing in a number of businesses. Vintage has taken over the red carpets of Hollywood as actresses seek to create a richer backstory for themselves via the tales and titillations of a refurbished gown from a more glamorous time."
Image information: “Brain Flower” © Roxana Villa
Medium: acrylic veils of color on gessoed board
Image dimensions: not sure, about 9X11
“Brain Flower” was commissioned for the Kennedy Kreiger 1992 Annual Report. The illustration was done so long ago I don't remember much about its creation except for they wanted do illustrate the idea of learning utilizing the imagery of the brain.
The Importance of Story by Lynn Casey on Arcade
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