I've noticed that some calendars put the Summer Solstice yesterday and others today. If you have an interest in this topic check out these posts over at my Illuminated Perfume journal.
In the mid nineties I was part of an initiate group of women studying with a Celtic Shaman. We were all interested in becoming more aware and deepening our connection with the divine (God, Great Spirit, etc.). Although the work involved was difficult and challenging it was well worth it on many levels. Most significantly it influenced my artwork tremendously. Basically anything I am interested makes its mark in my artwork, however, this particular journey had a very discernable affect.
Image information: “Sun Maiden” © Roxana Villa
Medium: acrylic veils of color on gessoed board
Board dimensions: 10 x 14.5 - Image dimensions: 9 x 13.25
This painting is available for purchase and usage*, contact me for details: Roxana at Roxana Villa dot com.

* All images are copyrighted, do not use without permission, that would be a violation of copyright laws and could result in enormous fines.
Barnes and Noble
I am overjoyed to discover your artworks. They have a signature of their own. Keep up the good work!
Helg, how lovely of you to stop by. Welcome and thank you for your inspiring words...here and on your fabulous blog.
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